Training a Puppy – The Basics No Family Should Be Without
So you finally got that puppy you’ve been wanting for a while. The next thing you have to do is train him so he is an obedient puppy that the whole family will be able to enjoy. If you do not want to spend a lot of money on fancy professional training, there are ways you can do it yourself. Training a puppy at home does not have to be a formal ordeal. You actually can just do the basics and still have a well-mannered dog in the end. The basics typically include leash training and the obedient commands such as sit, stay and rollover.
The reason that leash training is an important basic step when it comes to training a puppy is that you need to walk your dog, as well as take him out to use the bathroom. Unless you are one of the few fortunate people who have acres of land, you need to get your dog accustomed to using a leash. The best way to accomplish this is with positive reinforcement. If you use negative reinforcement, this only will scare your puppy away and he will be afraid to do anything. However, you should not give treats every time because this can get bad for his health. Verbal praise will suffice.
The same goes when you are training a puppy on the obedience commands. The best way to get your puppy to learn these commands is by starting out using both verbal and hand commands. Once your puppy is beginning to get the hang of things, you should start using just one way. Make sure you switch up how you give the command because that will teach your puppy to respond to both. You also should give verbal, physical and treat rewards. Verbal rewards are the best way to go though.
One reason why many owners find training a puppy to be a great thing to do on their own is because it is a huge bonding experience. In addition, many people do not find it is necessary for their pet to know all these different training methods because they often do not use them. Instead, they find they have a well-mannered dog who knows all it needs. When you really think about it, all a puppy really needs to know are the basics, such as leash training and a few of the obedient commands.
Sherry Harris the author of a wide range of puppy topics including, but not limited to: puppy training, grooming, pet travel, pet food, and dog supplies. For hundreds more free puppy articles visit http://www.DogStyleNetwork.com. Hope you enjoyed the article topic on Training A Puppy. Discover the best methods to quickly and easily train any puppy today!