Tips For Dog Obedience Training


If you keep a dog either for sporting, competing, or for leisure, you probably know how significant it is to have him go through dog obedience training. A pet dog that is well behaved is always pleasurable to take along because he is less likely to go wild and cause troubles to other people. You surely don’t want to tag along with a dog that barks at everyone and runs around, therefore, scaring away the crowd. If good manners are very important in your home, the same things should also be taught to your pet.

Sure enough, keeping dogs at home should provide your loved ones with enough security and not that they will cause harm to anyone. You will not also like it when your neighbors complain that your pet has ransacked their properties or worse, have bitten someone in the area. Therefore, the more that you should pay attention to having your dog trained properly.



Are you planning to train your dog by yourself? Here are the steps that you need to note in dog obedience training. But remember; never move to the next step when your pet has not yet mastered the previous one!

The difficulty of the commands starts from the basics to the most advanced. For starters, teach your pet the easiest instructions first. These are “sit”, “stand”, “stop”, “come”, and the likes. Be sure he can learn these before starting with a new set. Always use these commands so he will remember them.

Keep in mind your dog’s genetic makeup. Some breeds have their specializations so you must concentrate on harnessing their skills and capabilities.



Note the duration of time when teaching a new command. Don’t bombard your dog with several commands all at the same time. Also, make sure you use the praise or reward and punishment method. Your voice should likewise sound positive when giving praise and be unyielding when there is a need to reprimand him.

Ensure that your dog is physically comfortable as we perform the training exercises. Dogs get tired easily so don’t strain him that much.

Execute the dog obedience training sessions in a distraction-free area. As the response turns positive, gradually add more distractions like bouncing balls, doing the jumping jack, running around, throwing treats to him, and many others. But don’t overdo the use of distractions as it may frighten your pet.



Practice giving commands on a variety of surfaces. Some of these include the cement sidewalks, on the sand, on dirt, on the grass-covered lawns, on a chair or table, a low wall, logs, and many others.

Give commands while you are walking down the street, while you are in the pet supply outlet, or wherever you may be with your dog.

There is actually no best time of the day to administer the dog obedience training sessions. What matters is that both you and your dog should be up to it, in the mood, and in good physical condition.