Rhodesian Ridgeback Dog Gives Birth to 17 Puppies in Germany
A dog named Etana in Germany gave birth to 17 puppies in Ebereschenhof, north of Berlin on September 28. The four-year-old mother seemed to have more puppies than she could handle. When dogs give birth to so many puppies like this, four to five puppies usually die within the first week.
However, all of these puppies including 9 dogs and 8 bitches survived even they all were born naturally. According to Ramona Wegemann, the owner of the Etana, it was the second time that Etana gave birth and it took Etana a full 26 hours to give birth to all of the puppies. The photos below will show you cute puppies of Etana, a Rhodesian Ridgeback.
Etana, the four-year-old mother gave birth to 17 puppies including eight female and nine male puppies on September 28 in Ebereschenhof, north of Berlin. The female puppies are named: Bahati, Binta, Bahya, Bashima, Batouuli, Binki, Bora, Bisa and the male ones are Baakir, Banjoku, Belay, Bruk, Bundu, Bayo, Bukekayo, Biton and Bulus.
During the first four weeks, Wegemann had to feed the puppies five times a day because their mother did not have enough milk. All these 17 puppies have African names because the Rhodesian Ridgeback is an African hunting dog.
Four of the puppies have been sold. The owner hopes to get about $ 1,315 per dog. Wegemann said that she would sell them for only families with children. The birth of the puppies was very special. All of them were born naturally. It took the mother 26 hours to give birth to all of the puppies. This is also the second time the mother gave birth
Owner Ramona Wegemann couldn\’t really sleep for the first three weeks. It is so incredible and wonderful that all these 17 puppies survived