How To Care For A New Puppy
A new puppy is almost as eagerly awaited and anticipated as an infant and puppy-proofing your home is just as necessary as child-proofing it for a toddler. Welcoming this new family member can be exciting and these adorable little bundles of energy can add a new dimension to a family. However, like toddlers, the new puppy can be one big bundle of trouble if the home is not puppy-proofed prior to the new puppy’s arrival.
Just like any other family member the getting a puppy involves taking on a commitment to attend to their welfare and needs. Puppies much like infants require a safe environment in which to explore and play and that means puppy proofing is essential.
It is always wisest not to underestimate the curiosity of a toddler or that of a puppy. That cuddly bundle of energy will just like a toddler be into everything and probably some things a toddler could not quite reach.
Start with the floors as that is where a puppy will start. Slick floor surfaces will cause a puppy to slide and might cause injury to the puppy. Loose rugs may well become a favoured chew toy. If it is potentially a danger, curious puppies can usually be the first to find it. Sharp furniture is as dangerous to a curious and sometimes too eager puppy, as it would be to a toddler. Small sharp items on the floor are dangerous to a puppy they may lick, chew gnaw or just step on tacks, staples, nails or even fingernail files.
The puppy proofing should be done room by room in any area where the puppy might have access. Light cords should be made placed out of the way covered in protective plastic or runners. The puppy’s access should be restricted only to allowed rooms. This means keeping the doors shut to kids rooms and using childproof gates where doors are impractical. Stairways are potential dangers for puppies just as they might be for a toddler and gates can keep the new puppy right where you put him.
Curiosity is a puppy’s middle name and anything small on the floor will receive a thorough inspection. Furniture is not invulnerable and puppies soon learn to climb, clamber and jump onto couches, chairs and coffee tables. That means remote controls; houseplants and any delicate decorative items should be safely out of the reach of puppy’s curious nose, paws, and mouth.
Some garden plants and weeds could be toxic to a puppy and it is important that the backyard plants safe and puppy-proofed. Any household cleaners or medications must be placed securely out of the puppy’s reach. Chewing on a medication bottle until it splinters can be just as dangerous as a puppy chewing glass particularly hard plastic prescription bottles, and the contents may be toxic if accidentally ingested.
Give the new puppy toys of their own, so they have things to chew on and can be kept engaged and active and safe. Supervise the puppy and keep the doors closed or child gates in place to prevent they’re wandering out of bounds and getting into trouble.
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