Puppy Care from The Pet Nanny


Puppy care is time consuming and requires a whole new routine for all members the family. Puppy care is very rewarding once you get over the initial fear of how do I take care of newborn puppies. You help your puppy learn and grow by providing consistent routines and feedback to your new puppy.

Puppy Care is generally for newborns up until 7-12 months old. During this time your job of new born puppy care is to make sure mom and the puppies have a healthy environment. Being attentive to new puppy care is crucial to building that special bond with your new dog. It’s best to get your puppy when he or she is between 7 & 10 weeks old and at this age puppy care is quite straightforward a good, nutritious diet, proper veterinary care; a warm, dry place to sleep, safe toys to play with and lots and lots of love and attention. Part of good puppy care is providing good nutrition for your new canine baby. Your puppy should go out, to the same spot in your yard, about 20 to 30 minutes after a meal. If you do this consistently, the puppy will learn get used to the routine, and accidents will be kept to a minimum.

A vital part of new puppy care is making sure that little Fido keeps up to date with all his puppy shots. One of the most important parts of new puppy care is making sure that you feed a premium quality dog food.

The journey to puppy care is a long one, but it is filled with joy and love everyday and is definitely worthwhile.