Easiest Way to Leash Train Your Puppy


Do you want to know the easiest way to leash train your new puppy? Get an early start on that by starting to leash train your puppy at a very young age. By six weeks of age my young puppy could already walk on a loose leash. At 8 weeks old, my puppy walked with his leash like he’d been doing it all his life.

Try this simple and easy technique to quickly get your puppy used to the leash. I have seen other puppies and dogs that hate the leash, and get scared just at the sight of it. That is probably because their first exposures to leash training must have been stressful and negative experiences for them.

If you want to know how to begin leash training your new puppy with only positive results, just try the easy techniques that I used to get excellent results.Here is the way I begin the leash training of my puppies without causing any stress for him. In fact, they get excited when they see the leash, because they know they are about to go for a walk with Dad. Just put the puppy’s little flat collar (not the choke collar yet) on first of all, of course. The puppy should have no problems with the flat collar being put on. After that attach his leash, but let it just trail behind him. Don’t hold on to the leash at this time. For the first sessions with the leash, let the puppy walk around the house or yard while he does his thing. Walk along behind your puppy, making sure that the leash doesn’t become tangled in anything. As long as the leash remains unobstructed, the puppy probably won’t even pay attention to the fact that he’s dragging a leash around.

The next step to leash training your puppy begins once he’s become used to walking around with his leash dragging along behind him. You can now pick up your end of the leash, keeping it slack at all times. Walk along with your puppy, letting him explore what he wants to-don’t try to control his position at this point. Once he is thoroughly used to walking with the loose leash, it is time to begin the second step. It is time to teach your pup to walk along with you and not to be pulling you with his leash. It is a good idea to give your puppy rewards of a treat for walking close to you. Put the reward in your left hand, so the puppy learns he wants to be close to your left side. The heel position asks your puppy to walk at your left side. Use a happy voice to call your pup over to your side and give him lots of praise and a treat reward for listening. Each time the correct behavior happens, be sure to reward the puppy to positively reinforce that behavior. If the puppy isn’t paying attention when you call him over, just give a gentle tug on his leash to get his attention, and let him see you have a treat for him.

Once you have his attention using a happy tone of voice he’ll come over and you can reward him for listening . He’ll soon get the idea. By the age of 6 weeks old, puppies can already learn so much. Be sure not to let yourself become upset or impatient when beginning his leash training. Try not to make it an unhappy time for the puppy when training him. Only use positive reinforcement techniques when leash training your puppy, or with any other training you will be doing later. By making the training a positive experience the puppy and you will have more fun and get better results. I know that always works for me, too.

Continue the training several times a day until the pup is comfortable walking alongside you with his leash loose. After learning this loose leash walking, he is well on his way to learning how to heel. That’s all there is to it. Follow this simple lesson, starting with a very young puppy and you will never have a problem putting your dog on his leash for a fun walk.

In addition to training your puppy on his leash, you will definitely want to know the best and easiest training techniques for teaching your new best friend his best behavior. To learn about the best online dog training program check out my review. Secrets to Dog Training