A Guide To Buying Products For Your New Puppy


Getting a new puppy is an exciting time, so you’ll want to be sure that you have all the best dog products available to help your new family member settle in. First of all, you’ll want to buy your puppy bed. It’s worth planning ahead your puppy will soon grow into an adult dog and you want to be sure that the bed will accommodate him as he grows. Soft-sided beds can be great for comfort but often get misshapen and lose their support over time, so a hard-sided bed may be a good decision.

Although they also say it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie, it’s a good idea to take them for a walk every now and then. You’ll need to spend some money on a dog lead, whether it be the traditional style or one which expands and contracts to give the dog some freedom to roam. You’ll also need a dog collar and an identity tag which will allow the dog to be returned to you should he be lost or stolen.


Like small children, puppies tend to be a little messy. You’ll need to make sure you’re properly prepared in terms of hygiene and fortunately, there are a number of products available to you. You’ll need an indoor litter tray in the early days as well as buying some biodegradable bags to pick up the mess with. There are a number of different types of odour removal sprays and stain removers available on the market too, which may be worth a look.

One of the most rewarding parts of owning a dog is the ability to train it to be loving and obedient. Clicker training products tend to make excellent training aids and dog agility kits are available, too, should you want to go down that route. Toilet training kits will also be a great idea in the early days and should prove to be a worthwhile investment. You may also want to look at training prods or ultrasonic aids to train your dog with.

Of course, all dogs love to play and have fun. You’ll need to make sure you’re stocked up on toys for your new puppy if only to stop him chewing the furniture! There are a number of rubber and plastic toys available from play rings, balls, frisbees and ropes to chewable objects and games for your dog to play. A dog’s mind needs to keep active, so make sure you play with him regularly and enjoy every minute that you have together with man’s best friend.

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